A new stage.
Thursday, May 28, 2009

today sport day......

i got to admit it was seriously boring...

well not that boring la..

this year nicer that last year la...

i think today i really empty-headed...

a stupid ass took my perfect flag..

nothing else to say about sport day, i forgot who won..

i just realise that i argued with bernice on wednesday & forgot about it 5 hours later...



oh ya, renee came to my grandma's house after sport day then we prank joshua's brother..

i think he actually fell for it..


so stupid..

i pity them, without female they surely mati.

2:56 AM

Saturday, May 23, 2009

this term's result is totally senseless...

chinese: 87.5

that mark was awesome.

BM : * private *

english : 95

so weak...

math ( chinese ) : 92

i nearly fainted, i couldn't belive i got so low.

science ( chinese ) :80

finally an ' A '

KT : 71

i seriously hate this subject

average : 82.2 ( it is suppose to be 82.16666666 )

other results that i care about

chinese essay : 87

BM essay : 90.83

science : 84

i wanna cry again...

i think that's all...


in UPSR format i got ...

chinese A

chinese essay A

bm B

bm essay A

english A

math A

science A

yay! got 6 A & 1 B !!

damn that B!!

nevermind, i'm too happy now!!

6:08 AM

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

today was a terrible day....

i cried....

couldn't belive i did that....

FYI people, it was because of my average....

that's why i cried like hell.....


now, even though i had a seriously bad day, i still got great news.

this coming holidays, we std 6 have only 1 week off right?

so my aunt pity me so did my freaking cousin( damn show off )...

so maybe we're goin' to Sunway...

i am so happy!!

and another thing, i can have a party but it's a BBQ party....

so i'm not really sure whether the party will go on...

because of my stupid marks....

DAMN geography!!

5:56 AM

Monday, May 18, 2009



really bored....

using computer from school.....

nothing awesome happened in school...



8:00 PM

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

today's 13th May 2009..

12 years ago i was born...

so that makes today my 12th birthday....

that makes it " Present Day " for me....

i didn't get anything from my friends, i don't mind....

but my mom gave me 6 tickets to watch X-men....

1 for me, 1 for my sis, 4 for my friends....

now i don't know who to ask....

and the expiry date is getting closer....


MESSAGE TO MY BELOVED FRIENDS ( kiddin' 'bout the "BELOVED" part) :

hey, whoever wants to watch the X-men with me, plz contact me before next Tuesday!!

PS. no parents allowed to follow into the cinema...


& remember to contact me!!

6:14 AM

Saturday, May 9, 2009

damn exams...

because of stupid exams, teachers started tuition....

because of tuition, i don't have enough time to sleep.....

because of not enough time to sleep, i can't think.....


because of unable to think, teacher will scold me for not be able to answer.....

that's what happened during one of my tuitions....

tuition was same....boring...boring....

but after tuition was MUCH more boring....

Cikgu Kam brought part of the class to a temple for praying....

it was so hot & filled with people....

it was late & we didn't get food....

after praying, Cikgu Kam went for lunch & left us there....

alone....hungry.... tired....BORED!!

now i wished i was sleeping then.....

never mind, life is always this unfair.

3:57 AM

Friday, May 8, 2009

message to my friends( remember, my friends only!! ):

my stupid 12th birthday is coming up..

so my mother wants to order pizza for my birthday...

so she ask me whether to eat it in school or at home...

i haven't decide...

so whoever thinks that i should have pizza in school, call me.

and remember this is for my friends only, ONLY !!


today's update...


got it!

today is boring, as always...

got marching....

under the damn hot sun...

the suckiest group was PBSM ( Persatuan Belajar Sampai Mati )

because the leader was a fat ass, practically brainless...

got good marks for Penulisan ( BM )....

no homework.....


yup, that's all for today.

8:21 AM


❤ m e i d h e n g Scarlet. M 12 Puay Chai 13 May is MY DAY! ♥s blue-mocha-swimming-books :D

& singing

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

&Utter nonsense

&silly friends


&silly life

April 2009

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009

August 2009

September 2009

&big thankyou

This skin was entirely made by vintage.veggie. Resources used have been credited, strictly no touching any of the credits. Basecodes were done by me as well.

x x x